Improve your relationship after baby

It’s can be easy to feel frustrated and disappointed in your relationship especially after having a baby. When unrealistic expectations are the cause of this, it adds to feelings of discontent and disconnect between the two of you. Setting expectations for your marriage can be a balancing act. When your expectations are high, you’re more likely to rise to the challenge of creating a rewarding relationship. However, if your expectations are too lofty, you could set yourself up for disappointment and resentment.

Further, there can also be a disconnect between what you expect from a relationship and what you’re willing to put in. It’s unfair to expect your partner to put in more than you are willing to contribute or share. Similarly, if you are putting in more than your partner, this relationship might feel very lopsided. A close and lasting bond between the two of you requires regular nurturing.

To succeed as a couple, it’s important to be realistic with your expectations and remain committed to each other.

Spending Time Together

Did you know that according to the Office of National Statistics, the average couple spends about 2 hours a day together, and one third of that goes to watching TV! This is likely to be even less if you have a baby or children in the home. If you’re struggling to feel connected to one another, you might want to increase the quality and quantity of your interactions so you can feel connected to each other. When you feel connected to each other, it’s much easier to set realistic expectations for the relationship and to communicate these to each other.

Try these techniques:

  1. Plan date nights. Be intentional about your quality time. Take turns planning romantic and entertaining evenings away from home if possible. If date nights need to happen at home (because you have an infant or small children, or you are in the middle of a pandemic!), you can still plan alone time. Perhaps it’s a special dinner together or going for a walk.
  2. Invite other couples. Make friends with couples whose relationships you admire and who also have small children. Socializing with other married adults can help you to learn new skills and possibly appreciate your own partner more.
  3. Seek balance. While it’s important to share time and meaningful activities with your partner, you also want to preserve your identity. Stay connected to your relatives and friends. Maintain hobbies and activities that you’ve always enjoyed. Give yourself a chance to enjoy your own company.

Communicating Skillfully

Communication is key. It plays a major role in all relationships. You can strengthen your communication skills by practicing the following strategies.

These strategies support effective communication:

  1. Listen closely. Pay attention to what your partner has to say. Validate their feelings and experiences even if you happen to disagree. Resist the urge to interrupt. Create an environment where you both feel safe to speak freely.
  2. Resolve conflicts. Conflicts are natural in any close relationship. They can even draw you closer together if you deal with them promptly and respectfully. Learn to distinguish between the things you can change and the things you need to accept. It’s okay to disagree on things. Be willing to forgive and apologize when you’re wrong.
  3. Express gratitude. Let your partner know how much you appreciate them. Sprinkle small gestures of love and kindness into your daily life. Take out the garbage when it’s their turn. Put love notes in their suitcase when they travel for business. Hug them hello when they walk in the door or when they leave for the day.
  4. Share meaningful discussions. It’s easy to fall into a rut where your conversation is mostly about home repairs and orthodontist bills. Remember to connect on a deeper level. Talk about your shared goals. Let your partner know how they can help you when you’re going through a difficult time.

Other Tips to Improve You:

  1. Consider your purpose. Marriage was sometimes a necessity for previous generations concerned about financial security or raising children. Today, marriage is more about companionship, shared goals, personal fulfillment and love. Consider your marriage and align your expectations with the purpose of your marriage.
  2. Take responsibility. Remember that you’re responsible for your happiness and choices in life. Your partner can be supportive, but it’s up to you to take charge of your own development.
  3. Work as a team. At the same time, it can be easier to reach your goals when you have someone on your side. Share household chores and take a unified approach to taking care of the baby.
  4. Set boundaries. Healthy couples build and preserve reasonable limits. You have the right to decide how you wish to be treated and what the consequences will be if someone fails to respect your guidelines.
  5. Embrace change. Your marriage keeps evolving. You may feel disappointed that the honeymoon is over or you may be glad to discover a more stable and mature sense of intimacy. Update your expectations as needed.

Adjusting your beliefs could enhance your married life. Use your expectations to make your relationship